Wasting Time (Chapter 1)
Wasting time is an art form all to itself. I have spent much of my adult life theorizing about the best ways to waste time. I have gathered a collection of these theories for a book which I may or may not have finished several years ago or just last week. The book does not explain my theories nor does it actually contain them. The book is more of a way to put off documenting my theories. To be honest, my theories are nothing more than hypotheses about theories. However, one day I plan on taking these hypotheses and doing something very important with them. Until someday I will merely think about it. I also like to drink beer. This is important because drinking beer is the best way to waste time without realizing it. It slows what I like to call your thought process down and creates that false impression that you are doing something important. Not that drinking beer isn't something important. I'm just saying. Also, if one really wants to waste time they can write something silly for their blog until it's time to leave work. This is both fun and rewarding especially while drinking a beer and theorizing about the best ways we as humans can waste time both affectively and effectively. Those two words are sometimes confusing? I mean, they are pronounced almost the same but have slightly different meanings. Whose idea was that?
What was I saying? Oh yes...wasting time can be both fun and rewarding if it results in successfully avoiding work.
Would you look at the time? See ya!
What was I saying? Oh yes...wasting time can be both fun and rewarding if it results in successfully avoiding work.
Would you look at the time? See ya!
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